Saturday, June 15, 2019

I wonder sometimes

I wonder sometimes why things go the way they do. I wonder sometimes why people think they can walk all over me, I wonder sometimes when people will take me seriously. I wonder sometimes why people think they can ignore me as if I am nothing. I wonder sometimes if they really know me would they do the things that that do.

I wonder sometimes why these things happen. But I also wonder if they knew sometimes that I would give anyone in need anything,

I wonder sometimes that they would know if they were hungry I would feed them. I wonder sometimes if they knew if they were thirsty I would give them drinks. I wonder if they knew if they needed clothes I would give them the shirt off my back. I wonder if they knew that if they needed anything I would try to help.

Sometimes I wonder if they knew that I know how they feel, what they say. I wonder sometimes if this is all worth it.  I also they can wonder if they know they can talk, ignore think they are better then me, I wonder if they know I don't care.