Saturday, February 9, 2019

Let's talk about show clothes

Let  us talk about show clothes show we, This is the motor-home closet and my clothes. My husbands clothes are the purple shirt to the wall, and trust me these are not all of them, yes there are more way more, jackets, skirts, pants, shirts dresses, and there are some formal  kind of clothes there. Why are there so many clothes because I just can't answer that. The only good thing is everything was bought on sale or at the Dillard's clearance store by my house. There are a few from Cindy's closet and There is a lot of red and black well a lot of dark colors why you ask. I worked for a company a long time ago that paid to have our color analysis done and I am a winter color person which means my skin tone looks best in dark colors. Pastels wash me out. There are clothes in there in various different sizes as when I started showing I was quite a bit heavier. There are things I have not worn yet. Plus there are some that have become my favorites.
Now I will tell you that something my mother told me when I first started has stuck in my head and I base my clothes decision around that. You and your dog are a team and you must present your dog in the best possible way. You have to dress as though when you walk in the ring you are a winner. You must look as professional as you can. Neat clean and together with your dog. So this is one reason way I have this problem. Another issue is I think I look horrible and fat in everything.

 The many many looks and so many different combinations. Yet still the same fat body

I have the staples black ,blue, brown skirts, Then I have floral skirts long skirts mid skirts Solid jackets Multi colored jackets, long jackets short jackets. Items with pockets, some with no pockets.Long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts and no sleeve shirts. Then there are the dresses. Black boots, Brown boots, tan flats ivory flats brown flats black flats, white sneakers. Yeah it's a problem. But I hate the way I look in everything so it is such a challenge. I am also not to fond of showing in pants although I have and I have black, tan and white. I was going to cull the clothes but you know when you do that then you look for something and it's not there. It's not that I want to make a fashion statement I just want to look nice and professional.

 I have had several judges compliment me on how I look and I don't know if that is a good thing or bad.

My new obsession is hats, although I have several I think I have only worn one once. It was outside and it was a hot day in Michigan  

at a 4-6 puppy. I have worn sneakers once new and white again it was indoors and hot and it to was a 4-6 puppy.
See even when I started I had to dress for success all thanks to my mom 

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