Friday, November 12, 2010

Well I started

I started to cook for the Elderly Thanksgiving, Since I am not cooking, cooking it, just preparing it I thought it would be easier to just do that and freeze it, then cook and heat and things wont be cooked twice. So that is different this year then in years past.

So far I have made the
Mallow-topped sweet potatoes
scalloped Corn
Savory Green bean casserole
whipped potatoes
ultimate party meatballs
Green bean casserole
sweet potato casserole.]
Candy bar Pie
not to bad for a day's work.

I decided that this year I think we are going to serve them instead of buffet style. I think they will enjoy that so much. And there will be enough of us to do this so I think it's a go. But I can still change my mind.

For those of you who do not know about getting the ads early for Black Friday you can go to be sure to register and you can see now the Target,Best Buy, Sears, JC Penney, Toys R us and a few others. They are still waiting on others but they will all be there before we know it.

So tomorrow will be weekend two of the great deep cleaning of the house. I do hope we get farther this weekend then we did last. I will not decorate till the house is clean, so if it doesn't get clean it will look very bare this year. I don't get as much help as I would like. Last weekend as my husband sat and watched me do walls, I finally said to him I really don't need you here to sit and watch me. He has been married to me for 27 years he knows what needs to be done, I will not tell him, If I have to tell him I would just do it myself.

Love to you all

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