Thursday, June 7, 2012

when part of the truth comes out

When you try to be the best mom you can, and you want to honor your child's judgement it doesn't always work, because your heart over takes your brain. The morning after I threw that kid and I use the term kid laughing as at 17 almost 18 your not a kid. I took my daughters phone and locked her out of Facebook. I needed time to digest what had happened the night before, Besides reading her phone he had left messages to her talking about her fine body and how he wanted to bang her, Not exactly what I wanted to read.  I spoke with someone and they advised me to send him a note saying any contact and I would have him arrested. which we did, But I also blew it as a mom, I said things too her because I was angry and those words will for ever haunt me. Because what I had thought was the end of the story was only going to be the beginning. I wouldn't find out the rest for months and months but I would find out enough to do as i had promised and file a police report.

A few day's later I had decided that I would allow her to go visit her friend and spend the night. But I had noticed that she was on her lap top in the kitchen more and more and not for very long. On this night she  left her lap top on the table when she went to her friends. I have never snooped in my child's phones, computers or anything else I truly believed in privacy. Well this night all that went out the window. I opened her computer and  the first thing I did was look at her Facebook chats. I copy and pasted both these boy's conversations with my child, then I went to her Skype account. where what I read my my physically ill. I could not believe what I was reading. I now know this was her way to tell me.

Now you remember the first boy the one that I thought was only through text message. Well what I read on Skype read like a porn movie. For those who don't know what Skype is it is a video chat program that all the kids are using. And a word of warning on Skype you can take pictures with out the other person knowing that you are doing that. The things I read in horror that this person had my daughter do in order for him to self gratify himself, including exposing his penis to my daughter. All the time telling her what he would so to her if he was there in person. Trying to get her to lie to us and get to where he can see her. I really couldn't read any more, so I then looked up the one on her Skype that had been to my house. It was in there that I learned what he had done to her in my house. How he was so pleased with himself.

He also made comments about what he would have done had he been alone with her, And couldn't wait till we could trust him so he could do other things to her, He bragged in these conversations how much he enjoyed himself. Their relationship would be like Romeo and Juliette. Even going as far as looking up if his seeing her was against the law. Telling her he didn't care he loved her she made him feel good. She was his baby girl and his princesses. He tried to alienate her in these conversations. He to on these Skype conversations would have her undress for him, he had her under his total control.

The police and the next few months. coming next

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