Sunday, January 23, 2011

Relaxation 101

So every one needs a lesson in relaxation 101, I am so tired of yelling the same thing every weekend, you know Clean your room, Don't shove the clean & dirty clothes behind the bed, so that we wash the same clothes that you don't wear ever every weekend. I know you own more then one pair of underwear. And is there a reason your room smells like a toxic dump. And the garbage is piling up in the comer. Well I could have said Calgon take me away which would have been an easy fix, But no I did one better.

Grabbed my nook reading the third book in the series of FBI agent Karen Vale, this book is called Velocity, First book was a free one 7th victim was free book on Barnes and Nobles Free Friday's when I finished it I then read Crush which I bought at a discount then it went free oh well. I enjoy these books, I go between several authors and so far I have really enjoyed the reading.

So I had my nook, my blanket, my wine and the Fireplace, soft music playing in the background and my cares and woes disappeared. I have my domain where I leave the world of my life and become the book. It is like the page-master and I so enjoy it. although the love seat gets a little crowded with me and the two dogs and it cramps my style but they so love to cuddle.

So the toxic dumps are still there and the clothes are still not put away. But I am relaxed to the point I don't care at the moment. maybe the two kids will understand that it doesn't take much to keep the mom happy if they would just do it and do it right the first time we could do so many other things then worry about the rooms. But till they see this they will have to listen to me yell.

my cuddle buddies

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