Saturday, January 19, 2019

Part 2 shattered dreams

        So we brought home Boss he was named this as he was born on the 4th of July. It was late that night when we got home but I to introduce him to the pack. Sheba as her and I were bonded like no other took to him like a duck to water. Coco on the other hand let out a growl and Sheba bounced her into the wall as to say we will have none of this. That was the one and only growl that Coco sent his way. Now when I tell you this puppy was smart and wanted nothing to do but please me would be an understatement but he was perfect as some would say to perfect. We started training class, and in Oklahoma at the time there were puppy B matches almost every weekend. He was doing very well and people were noticing. Now I am very protective of my animals as I then became with my children. But some chow people are very nasty and wicked. There was a woman who took a comb out of my hand to work on my Boss. My husband stepped in and very nicely told her if you like your hands attached to your body I would put the comb down and walk away. She did just that walked away. Same show another lady stood there talking and decided she was going to put her hot coffee down on Boss's wire crate up and if I had not been quick enough he would have been burnt. So I had to be on my guard all the time. But he and I had so much fun winning together and he made it look so easy.

   He was a funny boy when his water or food dish was empty he would bring them to me. He never barked, he would walk right beside me off lead I was so happy and just thrilled that my dream was coming true and couldn't wait till he was 6 months old and his first show. At about 4.5 months old I realized that there was something wrong he was not developing a key to his manhood. I called the vet to make an appointment to have him checked. It was that day I got the devastating news his man parts were not there neither one. As I cried on the way home that my dreams were shattered I looked into his beautiful eyes and told him it didn't matter I loved him the same.

     So that night after I composed myself I called Marilyn and told her the devastating news about our Boss. She listened as I explained what the vet said and told her I would be more then happy to forward the report to her along with his number. As she listened she didn't say much. Then she spoke she said well I still have the little red boy I first showed you I can replace Boss with him. We can make arrangements to meet and we can make the exchange. I then in a panic said as wonderful as you are being I can not let my Boss go. I love him and this is his home. I will wait and then come look at puppies. She kinda of chuckled and said I knew you would say that, so I will make you a deal I will replace Boss with this puppy and if  his male parts drop then we will arrange for you to pay for the puppy.So you can keep Boss as I know how loved he is and still have a dog to show. My extreme sadness had disappeared and my true first love was going to stay in his forever home. .
      That next week we again hitched a ride with my friends who were going that way to pick up one red boy who also stole my heart. So entered Ahso-Fanc Jepa's Gunslinger ( Gunner)

 now these two boys were like night and day. And our training continued with my new boy. Lets fast forward to Boss is now 6 months old and still no change, My grandmother had passed and I needed to return to Florida I was gone for about a week and upon returning home I noticed that Boss didn't look right he was bloated and lethargic and asked my husband if he noticed anything, the only thing he said was that he didn't want to play with Gunner. In the morning I called the vet and made an appointment. Again we pray for good news but expect the worst and the worst was my beautiful Cinnamon boy was going to die. He ran all kinds of test and his heart was failing he had right ventricular heart failure. He called the heart specialist at the University of Oklahoma and other ones and they all said the same it would just be a matter of time before I would find him dead.

    I couldn't cut a break I was not to be happy with my Cinnamon boy. So another phone call to Marilyn with this news and as she let me cry and say how unfair it was we decided together that we were not going to let him suffer any more. We decided that the love I had for him I couldn't wish him well and he would not get better. I did the only humane thing I could do for Boss and that was to let him go and be pain free. I am not an emotional person and I lost my best friend it didn't matter to me he wasn't perfect I loved that little boy more than I could breath
This has hung in my home as tribute to the sweetest boy I have ever owned.

Coming soon part three Gunner

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