Wednesday, January 23, 2019

So when one decides to show dogs

          So when one decides to show dogs many do not think of what is needed before you even get in the ring. Well we all know you need a dog and good show quality dog. Then there are the other things. Being gone of over 18 years I still had things but the question was were the functional and working.

         Right before the end the first time I bought a tack box back then it was top of the line and cost about $125-$150. That tack box had sat in the garage for years was old now and rusted. Could it be usable, First we removed all the hardware, Then we sandblasted it then new hardware and you know what it looked brand new. So I had a place to put my supplies so what supplies do I need. None of the combs or brushes were usable. But the question what were people using So we look and see and now we have combs all kind of sizes.brushes, slickers,. I had a dremel it wasn't a great one but worked. Years ago my husband had made me a grooming table but it was heavy and it too from years of sitting had rusted.. I guess I wasn't thinking the first table I bought would only last while a chow was a puppy and as they grew it became to small. So a second table was ordered.

            Now dryers right before I stopped I bought a duck, don't laugh if you have been in dogs long you know it was the best for a handheld dryer. Now I will say my duck still works after all these years. But I wanted a normal dryer I bought an in-expensive one, I still have it and use it but I found out it was not strong enough for double coated dogs. So I then was introduced to I believe a k-9 but that price was stiff to me so I found one comparable one. Now I know people say you have to use the best and but I found if you did your research the best may not be your only choice.  

          So now I have the dog, the tack box, combs and brushes table and dryer, Now I need shampoos, sprays and this and that and this and that. Who knew that there was so many kinds.SO which one is best? Years ago it Bio-Groom was the go to, although they are still around apparently not the go to any more. With this it is going to be hit or miss Till I find what works for me and I like. So far there are a couple.

          So with the motor home I need x-pens so I bought one and as the dogs grew I know have either 5 or six. I don't set up individual pens I do make one big one and all my dogs go in there together. Right now that works for me. I also have a stool to use for my table and I broke down and bought a new dremel. From our softball days I have a canopy we place over the x-pens so I don't need a covered pen. I looked at  trolley's but again my dogs lay at me feet, and just because others have them does that mean I need it.  If I bought everything every one else has I would be a lamb and years ago my made made the comment be a wolf not a lamb don't follow any one,.

         Speaking of my mom she gave me good advice once when in the show ring dress to impress.Bad thing is there is a Dillard's outlet here and I may have went overboard. And I may have dropped 50 pounds now I have a several not so fitting clothes. Guess I better learn to sew. Make -up I don't like it never way everyday. Too much trouble but to show I put that face on. Mom said your lips always need color.

          Bottom line I show my dogs because it is fun, My husband and I have something we do together, My youngest daughter now shows she bought herself a Frenchie. I don't need to keep up with anyone, I don't see the reason to but things because others have them. I have never been that way and have taught me kids to be that way.

Till next time keep looking for that Best In Show I know I am

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