Saturday, January 19, 2019

Part 4 this will be the last installment for the night

                     So now with Gunner finished and puppy Rosie in the house, Ahso-Fanc jepa's wine and roses to be exact and a baby due any day it was time to take a break. Rosie was a beautiful bitch and I was thrilled to own her I had exceptions of showing her finishing her and then breeding her to my Gunner, But as always Life got in the way. Amanda Rose arrived one fine June day her arrival was a blessing and each day she grew and grew. As my baby grew my puppy didn't she was a dwarf so little and never to grow any larger than a 6 month old puppy. But oh we loved her an she loved Amanda they were buddies. So as before I called Marilyn and we discussed what to do. I had decided that my house was two small for a growing child and three chows and we can not forget my cat.So we decided to wait for any more dogs till we moved. So with dog showing on hold I concentrated on watching my baby grow. But I remained involved as a member of the kennel club and an honorary member of the Bulldog club, as you remember I saved a bulldog life.

                 While Amanda was growing in leaps and bounds she is now 2 and we are moving to a bigger yard. We were there maybe 6 months when Marilyn sent me a puppy. Now in Florida you have to be careful when air shipping as lots of times the animals arrive and they take their sweet time bringing to the Cargo office. My dad work for one of the airlines and he told me where to go what to say and what to do.and the biggest thing was not to be late. So I get there 45 minutes early and I watch the plane land and go in and tell them that I am here to pick up a dog that is coming in on the plane that just landed and I can see they unloaded her on the tarmac. I ask them can you send some one to retrieve the dog so it's not in the sun. Their answer was when we check it in we will bring the dog up with the rest of the Cargo. Thirty minutes go by and still no dog. So now I have to get in my car and drive to another part of the airport to find my dad so this dog doesn't die. Also this is an age before cell phones. My farther tells me to go back to the cargo and he will meet me there. I pull back up to see my dad on a cart on the tarmac yelling and when I say yelling you have to have known my dad he neverand I yells. As the worker is load the dog crate up and bringing the puppy up. Now I brought water and my dad was prepared if the worst had happen when I opened the crate. Well I opened the door and out bounced the most beautiful girl who did nothing but  give me kisses. All that she had been through that day and all she wanted to do was kiss me. Hence we now had Ahso Fan-c Jepa's dollar a kiss ( Kissy) as she was called. She was my new hope to get back in the ring. As we were working with her she developed a limp and by limp a painful crying limp so a call to the vet and take her in. They take x-rays and discover she has no balls in her hip sockets so its bone rubbing bone in the worse way. So again I had to make the choice on what to do. With all this they didn't do health testing like they do now and I have had the worse run on dogs you could imagine, I can't blame the breeder in this as she replaced every puppy that had an issue. But I knew I couldn't keep doing this as every loss was devastating and I didn't know how many more heart breaks I could take.

            So now with just Gunner and Rosie I am now expecting my 2nd child. I didn't want any more dogs and just was happy with these two. Showing was becoming a distant memory. My children filled the void and I moved on to a non show world. There was another puppy and this puppy was from the only breeding I ever did with my Gunner. I got pick puppy and he wasn't here very long. If you live in Florida you know about bufu frogs these are very large frogs with poison glands on their backs. While walking him he came across ote and before I could stop him it was in his mouth. I tried to do what poison control said but it was to late and he died in my arms. After that I said no more, Gunner and Rosie were enough.

             My dogs loved my two kids and played and followed them everywhere but both were getting up in years and I had noticed Gunner at 7 was having trouble getting up, But he was still my baby. But as most know our human babies come first. I was never afraid of my dogs around my kids and I knew they would never hurt them but with Gunner getting old I had to be careful of my 2 year old. Then one day the worse of the worse happen as the two year old was running he tripped and fell on the sleeping Gunner who turned and reacted with my sons head. Now there was no bite as I do believe Gunner realized but I now had a traumatized two year old. So as the months went on and Gunner was never allowed to be alone with either of my kids because it was apparent that he was hurting and his hips had gotten so bad there really not much we could have done for him. I said good bye to an old true friend and I was done. No more heart aches for me, I still had Rosie.

Tomorrow part 5 Rosie's adventures
No pictures of Rosie I will have to look and i know there are none of Kisses but here is Sheba my first experience chows 

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