Saturday, January 19, 2019

Part Three Gunner

        No one ever gets over a devastating loss and Boss sent me into a downward spiral. I felt lost with out my boy. But I had another there that needed my attention so I was full stream ahead with Gunner. Again we hit the B matches and he too was winning as Boss had and he too made it seem easy. I talked with Marilyn any chance I could and thinking back I couldn't ask for a better mentor. Gunner was hitting the 6 month age and we were planning his very first show. It was to be in Kansas where the entry is known to be huge. By huge and my memory can be off a little there were about 15-20 puppy males in the 6-9 ring including one who had been winning every where. Now Marilyn didn't tell that half of them would be handlers and that this group would be a very hard one. I was greener then green and as we lined up I was first in with Gunner and the rest followed. Behind me was a handler who was hell bent on pushing us all the up to the end against the fence. Now remember this is my very first time in a AKC confirmation ring. I don't know how I thought of this but I moved my Gunner to go on the side by himself, so they are all lined up facing one way and then there was Gunner and I.We went to be examined at this time it was on the ground, did the up and back and then to the end of the line. I watched all the other dogs and handlers do there thing and it was a blur when she pointed to Gunner and I and said first place. Marilyn was there when we came out and she was so excited that he had beat several puppies who had been doing a lot of winning. She also explained that we would be going back in the ring for winners and that would determine which male would get the points. Now remember the friends who introduced me to Marilyn they were showing a dog in open and they to had won their class.

        We all go into winners there was several of us there were dogs in every class and then this happened. Now I will say people stated that he moved like a dream and we made a good team

Never in my wildest dreams would I think happen I was achieving my dream and with putting his very first major and this would be a start to being hooked. 
but back to reality the next day never got out of the classes. And my friends never spoke to me again. I was later told by Marilyn that they were the ones who tried to stop her from selling me a dog. That was one of the most exciting days of my life one I relive in my mind as often as I can. After this wonderful win my husband took a job and we return to my roots of Miami Florida. He went ahead and I needed to pack up the house and place coco in a new forever home. She adjusted well and was very happy, which surprised me from where she came from but she come a long way but I could not have been more thrilled for her. My in-laws came and they packed up their van and I my astra and Gunner and I started our trek to our new home. So I also need to explain my parents showed and breed old English Bulldogs. They also were not very happy on my choice of dog breed. As a matter of fact my mom wanted me to get an Irish Setter. You see how I listened.  I do remember my father in law wanted to take the scenic route  thinking it would save him time. Well we used CB radios at that time and I had a chow heat emergency once we hit Florida, Told him we needed to find a place with water and shade or I would have a dead dog my car had no A/C and the humidity hit poor Gunner hard. So he found me a hose and shade and we stayed there for a long time till my Gunner felt better. We fast forward to arrival at my parents and can I say Gunner made an awesome first impression and I knew we had a fan. Then it happened he blew all his beautiful coat and I just couldn't get it back and then Marilyn sent me a female puppy Rosie just as cute as a button. Then it really happened I was Pregnant. So much so fast but I was itching to get back in the ring and show my dog. My Mother being a mother put her foot down and said no no no I will get you handlers to show your dog. It wasn't fair he was my dog and i wanted to finish him. I traveled with them so it was her way or no way.  Now this may be odd but I voice train them to Show teeth and tongue and when I hand off the dog I explain this to handlers. Just as I explain to the vets if you want them to go into a crate you have to say go to bed. I know weird but it works. The first Handler didn't want to listen to my instructions and Gunner still being a puppy made him work and work hard.But Gunner got those points. All in all Gunner finished that season show circuit with 16 points 3 majors. At his last show as we were waiting for Chows I was watching a bulldog specialty and it was hot out very hot and a bulldog went down in the ring no one was moving so my brain the way it works I leaped a fence ran to the motor-home yelled at my dad to get me the oxygen tank and ran all the way back to the ring and you would think that someone would help a 8 month pregnant person carrying a huge ass tank. Oh no but I got there, and that Bulldog was saved and I got yelled at by everyone there. But You know what I would do it again. Oh I forgot to tell you that my Gunner bonded with my moms Bulldog baby Bonnie. Those two were always the talk of the show as they shared an ex-pen. Even more so as I was grooming him and my mom was walking Bonnie and they stopped to talk to a person walking a Rottweiler and Gunner jumped off the table there was no stopping him and placed himself between the Rottie and Bonnie people were just amazed about the bond these two had. 

So I now have my first Champion just not the way I wanted it to be.

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