Monday, July 19, 2010

So I write to from the great state of Indiana

Well Dancing Diva and my Law student is sitting in the other room of the suite. Yes my company furnishes every one with a suite. Although this is going to be an interesting 4 day's. I know this is suppose to be about vacation but my mind isn't there right now.

Watching my two daughters interact as though they don't have a care in the world, listening to the laughter. Makes my heart feel full. I know that one of them is hurting and it is a deep down hurt that as a mom I just can not make go away. I can listen maybe advise but I can not take the hurt away. Just knowing this makes my heart and soul ache for her. I miss the care free person that was there, the person so full of wonder and ready to explore. she is hidden some where inside this child of mine, and I know she will find her way through all this. She has such a giving heart, she trusts to many people. She always thinks of others before herself. But life is getting in the way. Some one she trusted loved and called friend, is showing her a side of life she should not have to deal with. This is the reason I trust no one and live a life with really no friends to complicate it. I am not sure that how I deal with people is the way my children should, They should have friends to do things with share things with and to enjoy their company.

I can only hope that she can find her way. Learns that there are people who love her value her and cherish the day she was born.

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