Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Monday

Monday mornings can be a hassle with the dna my children have as they will not move out of their beds. They really can make me angry. getting up at 6:30 am just doesn't give them enough time as the bus comes at 7:07. The only good thing thing is I get to go to work an hour early then I can leave early really helps on dance nights. But Monday's don't work like that.

My back feels a little bit better this morning, but we will see what the day brings. It didn't help that no one here wants to help me so I am left to do everything. I've stalled on this diet thing bet everyone thought once the cruise was over so was the diet, Nope still need to lose 20 more pounds. I still also need to lose the 5 pounds I gained on the cruise. I will have to admit I have not been total diet this past week but I plan to get back on track.

Winter is coming and with winter comes the holiday's and I get to treat every one here to my Christmas traditions. They are a lot, but we enjoy them, the transformation on my house is surprising.

I really hope my kids decide this year that we can do0 Santa light. I say that but it has never happened. They are all older now but they are all so spoiled. So this will be a discussion we will have with them, as start my preparations. This has always been my favorite time of the year.
Baking, cooking, decorating and candy making. So that will be my next long blog in the xcoming months as we prepare for the holiday's.

Have a great day

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