Monday, August 9, 2010

work work work

I went into work with a new attitude, Get everything done that needs to be done no if's or ands about it. Now if you don't know anything about HUD, when I interview people I show them one piece of paper and say, This one piece will now multiply into 30 more and then when you think you are done there are 10 more that add on to it.

We are going through 78 files, and making sure all the papers that were the product of the one are in all the files getting ready for my HUD review when I return from vacation. Now multiply that by three properties and Ive killed a small forest. HUD is not green friendly.

I now have 2 of the 3 budgets done. Special claims for one almost done, finishing touches tomorrow and this doesn't include the day to day stuff I need to do. I told my assistants that I need to have all their month stuff no later then Aug. 23rd so I can close out my month before what here it comes MY VACATION, YES I AM GOING ON VACATION. NO PHONES, NO COMPUTERS, No one can call me. There I said it.

This will be the first time this has happened in 13 years with this company. I am not going to worry about the 3 properties, I have an excellent staff and they are well trained. ( so I hope)

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